
The Google EDU Update

YouTube for Google Classroom is's what happened

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read

🥇Get Google Certified in 2024! Don't miss out! Add your name to the waitlist for the Google Certification Academy 🥇

Hello Reader,

Last week I coordinated the 10th annual miGoogle conference for 800 teachers in my home state of Michigan. It was a great event, but a lot of work! 🥵

This week I'm catching up on a bunch of projects and taking my 13 year old son deer hunting in northern Michigan. 🦌

This month's list of updates and resources has some cool new features to familiar Google products, and some interesting new AI resources.

NEW: 🎦 watch on YouTube or 🎧 listen to the podcast!

Book an appointment from Gmail - I recently discovered a new Gmail feature that makes it easy to suggest your available meeting times. This is similar to the appointment schedule feature in Google Calendar, but can be done while you are composing an email.

Add GIFs and Stickers to Google Slides - make your presentation more exciting by adding animated GIFS and stickers from the Insert > Image menu.

Google Classroom Analytics - Teachers and administrators can view data on student performance in Google Classroom. This new feature was announced nearly two years ago and will be available to premium Google Workspace customers later in November.

YouTube for Education is broken - Google fixed, and then broke, and then fixed YouTube inside of Google Classroom. What a mess!

New ratings smartchip for Google Sheets - You can quickly insert a 5-star rating smart-chip into Google sheet cell. This is interesting for all kinds of voting and ranking-related classroom activities.

Is this image real? - Google added new image search tools to help users determine if an image is AI generated and find the original source.

Pocket Chrome Extension - I’ve been doing a lot of research on AI in the classroom and pocket has been helpful in saving articles to read on my phone in the evening after the kids are in bed.

Language is the new paintbrush - this article discusses how our ability to use AI effectively is based on our ability to use language effectively. If you are an ELA or art teacher, this is a thoughtful read.

Create your personal AI Teacher’s assistant - AI tools won’t replace teachers, but it sure does make a great teacher’s assistant! Here’s how to train AI tools like Google Bard to give more useful answers.

AI playbook for Google Sheets - I just finished this new course from Google Sheet wizard Ben Collins. It was a really great introduction to how AI can help with complex tasks like custom formulas for Sheets. I’m hoping to have Ben on my podcast soon!

That wraps up the noteworthy updates and links for November 2023. I hope this monthly newsletter helps you stay up to date on the latest edtech news and information.

Next week I will be opening registration for the Google Certification Academy. All of my previous cohorts have sold out. If you're interested in becoming a Google Certified Educator, add your name to the wait list so you have first opportunity to sign up!

John R. Sowash

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John R. Sowash is a former HS biology teacher and principal who helps teachers use technology to improve instruction. You can pick up a copy of his book, read his blog, or invite him to come and visit your school

The Google EDU Update

by John Sowash

Tired of missing out on the coolest Google updates and new features? Join thousands of other teachers who rely on my monthly newsletter to stay ahead of the curve. Get the top 10 updates, teaching inspiration, and time-saving links delivered straight to your inbox.

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